Case Studies


Lisa was struggling to find transport for her dad Bill, 67 years of age who was undergoing five weeks’ worth of chemotherapy. He was two weeks into a five week chemotherapy treatment plan which required Bill to go most days to and from Peninsula Private Hospital and the Frankston Rehab Centre. Given the treatment required, Bill was too unwell to drive himself there and the family didn’t want to send him in by taxi.

As Lisa says “We couldn’t use taxis as we needed someone to take dad to the Chemotherapy suite. He was just too frail. I am working as a teacher and the treatment times for Dad are different each day. I just couldn’t take him and it was also too difficult for my family and friends to help out. I didn’t know what to do. Thankfully the social worker at the hospital knew about Peninsula Transport Assist (PTA), a local community transport service that uses volunteer drivers to transport patients to hospitals and other outpatient services in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula region.”

Lisa rang Sue, the PTA Coordinator who was able to arrange two volunteer drivers, Bob and Bruce to take Bill to chemo. As Lisa says ”It was peace of mind, knowing that there was someone there who could help my Dad, it made such a difference. They were very reliable and Bill enjoyed the company of the men at this difficult time. It was a life saver”


Ralph finds it difficult getting reliable transport that can take him to Pelican Park, Hastings for his strength training classes. Ralph has multiple sclerosis and he finds the mobility assistance provided by Peninsula Transport Assist invaluable.

Ralph looks forward to seeing Paul his regular volunteer driver, enjoys the companionship and the friendly help provided, he likes the fact that he receives an SMS the night before confirming his transport arrangements. “It’s a great service for people with disabilities, I wouldn’t be without it.”